Alfonso, brutal agent of the Department of Protection of High Personalities, is forced to team up with young inexperienced recruit Walter, fascinated by the world of show biz. This improbable duo is in charge of the protection of Jal-Y, a young R'n'B star threatened by his ex, a criminal on the run.
Alfonso, brutal agent of the Department of Protection of High Personalities, is forced to team up with young inexperienced recruit Walter, fascinated by the world of show biz. This improbable duo is in charge of the protection of Jal-Y, a young R'n'B star threatened by his ex, a criminal on the run.
马泰欧.席梦尼,Cristiaan Campagna,路易吉·洛·卡肖,唐娜提拉·芬诺恰罗,Evelien Bosmans,Warre Borgmans,Marte Bosmans,Pieter-Jan De Wyngaert,杰尔·弗劳里佐恩,Rocco Granata,文森特·格拉斯,Federica Marinò,Maité Redal,Chris van den Durpel,Kobe Verlinden
黛西·埃德加-琼斯,蕾雅·德吕盖,加布里埃尔·伯恩,娜塔莎·里特,巴约·巴达莫西,泰·田纳特,斯蒂芬·坎贝尔·莫尔,斯特芬·凯亚尔,安妮亚·索文斯金,阿德尔·本谢里夫,伊丽莎白·麦戈文,珀尔·香达,亚伦·赫弗南,纪尧姆·谷伊,艾莉森·帕拉迪丝,马克·菲尔德,奥利弗·泽特斯特姆,迈克尔·马库斯,乔治娜·里奇,西奥·克里斯廷,比翠丝·罗米利,科林·梅斯,费奥多尔·阿特金,穆雷·海德,朱莉·卓雅,蒂姆·埃亨,Emilie de Preissac,Paul Gorostidi,Mathieu Torloting
演员:Haley Bodell Audrey Boos Gabriella Herrera Adam Torres Luke Darga Sam Hernandez Blake Borders Cole Devine Timothy Taylor Gregory Falatek Laura Wernette Lori Beth Denberg Danny Tamberelli Clayton Snyde