The Life Times of Tim is an animated comedy that tells the story of Tim Dildarian, an average cubicle monkey in his mid 20s that works for the generic company Omnicorp in New York. Throughout the series, Tim constantly finds himself in increasingly awkward situations in both his work and personal life
The Life Times of Tim is an animated comedy that tells the story of Tim Dildarian, an average cubicle monkey in his mid 20s that works for the generic company Omnicorp in New York. Throughout the series, Tim constantly finds himself in increasingly awkward situations in both his work and personal life
洛兰·加里,兰斯·盖斯特,马里奥·范·皮布尔斯,凯伦·杨,迈克尔·凯恩,朱迪丝·芭西,米切尔·安德森,林恩·惠特菲尔德,杰伊·梅洛,马文·范·皮伯斯,Edna Billotto,李·菲耶罗,James Martin Jr.,蒂娜·利福德,Marilyn Schreffler,J.D. Hall,多米尼克·霍夫曼,Charles Bartlett,LaGloria Scott,Kaleena Kif