The story revolves around Cathy, a determined 40-year-old sous-chef, who dreams of opening her own gourmet restaurant. As she faces financial difficulties, Cathy takes a job in the cafeteria of a shelter for young migrants. While she hates her new position, Cathy’s skills and passion for cuisine start to change the kids’ lives.
The story revolves around Cathy, a determined 40-year-old sous-chef, who dreams of opening her own gourmet restaurant. As she faces financial difficulties, Cathy takes a job in the cafeteria of a shelter for young migrants. While she hates her new position, Cathy’s skills and passion for cuisine start to change the kids’ lives.
演员:Haley Bodell Audrey Boos Gabriella Herrera Adam Torres Luke Darga Sam Hernandez Blake Borders Cole Devine Timothy Taylor Gregory Falatek Laura Wernette Lori Beth Denberg Danny Tamberelli Clayton Snyde